首页/ 题库 / [多选题]

— Do you like my 的答案


—Oh. Dear! I’ve lost my new watch.


—Do you mind my using my mobile phone here?

— ________________.


– I can show you around, if you like.

– ________________

–Do you like seafood.

– _________________

—Perhaps you have heard our products. Would you like to know something more?


–Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night?

– _________________

What are you going to do this weekend?

一_________________________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

-. What do you think about my hometown?

— How do you like my new dress, dear?

— ___________. You’ve never been more beautiful. 

— Do you like my new jacket? 

— ______. It goes beautifully with your hat. 

— You needn't do the work till after the New Year.
— _________________.

—  What do you think of your new teacher?

— _________

— How did you like yesterday’s play? 

— ______________ 

— What can I do for you?

— ____________________. 

— Would you mind helping me for a minute, Barbara?

— _________________What do you want me to do?

— I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening.
— ___________ .

— Would you like some more beer?

— _________,please.

— Do you mind if I smoke here?


— Do you like your present job? 

— ________________________,I just do it for a living. 

— Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?
— ____________

