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 –__________ fath的答案


My assistant will now______________ the machine in action.

We found him ___________ in the laboratory.


—In total, it should be about 15,000 RMB for the three-daytraining.

—You won the first prize in the Physics competition. 

—__________________. I made several terrible mistakes.

_________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities. 

-What about mailing it in the fastest way?

— ______________________________

— No, sorry, I didn't know the rule about punching in.

 –__________ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday?

– Peter's.

Proper controls that should ________________ developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place.

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

My father took the photos _____ we lived in Cambridge
She wired her father the moment ____________ she reached the hotel.
Workers in big firms receive a ____________ part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.
My father took the photos _____ we lived in Cambridge
The story took place(发生) exactly ____________ .
-__________ father took part in the charity activity in the neighborhood yesterday? - Peter.s.
My father ______ me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it
12The number of the students who took part in the entrance examination _____ great(5分)
There are over six ________ students _____ part in the entrance exam in Dongcheng on May the second(单选)—4分
A party is the____________ activity I want to take part in
