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—It's about a suc的答案


The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a ________ radio transmission system. 

 _______, he knows a lot about computer. 

—How about having a drink?


It's high time that he settled down in the country and __________ a new life.

He studied hard at school when he was young, _________contributed a lot to his success.

-We've worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?


— Your plan is perfect and I believe that it will be a great success .

— ________________

Success can breed success, if you ______ it.

—It's raining so heavily outside. I'm terribly anxious about my son's safety.

   —                      .


— It's dark brown.

It's a good idea. But who's is going to _______ the plan?


— It's my pleasure.

They were successful ______ a communication satellite.

It's high time that he settled down in the country and ______ a new life. 

It's ___________ to point to or talk about strangers in public.

—It's about a successful businessman's management experience, isn't it?
— ____________

A successful test is to exhibit the absence of errors in the programs being tested. 

A successful businessman made a small ______ in his wife’s name.
A: How()is the rent? B: It's about 200 pounds a month.
He will become a businessman( ) a teacher.
