首页/ 题库 / [多选题]

— Excuse me,


— Could you give me an example of good team working there?


— Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?  


— Would you please let me know something more about the project?


—Your request for compensation made me surprised. What happened? 


Doctorplease let me know ____ you can reconstruct my face.

 I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A.


— Please make a detailed schedule for me.


-Excuse me, where is Dr Smith's office?

— Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working.


— Excuse me, could you tell me the time?

— _________

— Will you show me how to use this software?


— Can you copy these papers for me?



— Please call me Mary. That's my first name.

– Brand was Jane's brother!

            he reminded me so much of Jane!

— Excuse me,                      

— Yes, it's 8633-2788. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Jamie wants to speak to me         private.

— Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?

— I'm sorry, I have no idea. I ______.

—  Could you help me with this crossword puzzle, please?


— Would you like to go to the cinema with me?


— Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes?

— ________

