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If he persists 


 —Do you mind if I record your lecture?

 —                      .

— Would you have cosmetic surgery if it was free?

  —                      .

If Gardener      , who will take care of us? 

He is ________ this company. 

Do you mind if I record your lecture?

_________________. Go ahead.

—Oh. But why didn’t he just own up and tell someone?


He soon        himself to the army life.






How did your talk with the community resident go?   

________ He seemed to accept my explanationbut he didn’t sign his name here .  

He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do, ________ other peoples feelings. 

– Brand was Jane's brother!

            he reminded me so much of Jane!

He keeps on his focus on      money.

He was always ______ in sharing his enormous knowledge.

If he persists            ​awkward ​questions, then ​send him to the ​boss.

For days, smog persisted in many areas. China is            to control air pollution.

He characterized briefly the main             in the world today.

—  If you like I can mail the tax bill for you?


He has forgotten to          the battery. 

He lost himself and flew into a       

         , he opened the car door and drove the car away. 

