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I am really

I am really       by fresh ingredients, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food.

2021-07-17 19:15




class ABC {

String name;

double price;

public ABC(String na, double pr) {name=na; price=pr;}

public int compareTo(ABC x) {

if(name.compareTo(x.name)>0) return 1;

if(name.compareTo(x.name)<0) return -1;

else return 0;



public class XXK5 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String []s={"apple", "pear", "tangerme", "banana", "grape"};

double []d={3.8, 2.5, 3.2, 4.3, 5.2};

ABC []ar=new ABC[s.length];

int i,k=0;

for(i=0; i<ar.length; i++)

ar[i]=new ABC(s[i],d[i]);

for(i=1; i<ar.length; i++)

if(ar[i].compareTo(ar[k])>0) k=i;

System.out.println(ar[k].name+" "+ar[k].price);



— I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not.


I’ve learned       today.

A.vital B.silent C.collide D.fierce

 I really appreciate()to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.    
I really appreciate()to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.
( )—Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. —Oh, really? _____.

I really like that car you ________ and I am thinking of buying it.

— I am sorry. Now what were we talking about?

—                     .

I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table.


Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 

Sorry, I can’t. I ________ take care of my little sister at home.

I really appreciate () to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself.


public class Test{

void printValue(int m){

do { System .out .println(The value is+m);}

while(- - m>10);


public static void main(String arg[]){

int i=10;

Test t= new Test();


I’m particularly proud of         I organized the finances.

—Though I have been drinking, I can drive home safely.

—No, I will be the driver.                

—Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.


I’m terribly sorry that I’ve spilled some coffee on the table.


— Hi, Helen, I’ll have an interview tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t make it.


May I ask you why you left the former company



I have worked for IBM for 3 years.

— I am sorry. Now what were we talking about?

—                     .

— Did the medicine make you feel better?  

— No. The more        ,        I feel.

Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 

Sorry, I can’t. I ________ take care of my little sister at home.


— Thank you. I must say I have a great staff.

I am really       by fresh ingredients, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food.

—  Some cars are really expensive.


—  I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put the printer here.

—                       .

 I really appreciate __________ to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself. 

I am interested in novels           by Hemingway. 

public class XXK4 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int []a={2,5,8,10,15,20};

int s=0;

for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) s+=a[i];




public class XXK4 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int [][]a={{2,5,8},{3,6,9},{4,5,6}};

int []b=new int[3];

int i,j;

for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)

for(j=0; j<a[i].length; j++)


for(i=0; i<b.length; i++)

System.out.print(b[i]+" ");



class ABC {

int a,b;

public ABC(int a, int b) {this.a=a; this.b=b;}

public int compareTo(ABC x) {return a*b-x.a*x.b;}


public class XXK5 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int [][]d={{3,8},{4,6},{5,6},{2,9},{6,7},{5,8}};

ABC []ar=new ABC[d.length];

int i,k=0;

for(i=0; i<ar.length; i++)

ar[i]=new ABC(d[i][0],d[i][1]);

for(i=1; i<ar.length; i++)

if(ar[i].compareTo(ar[k])>0) k=i;




