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— I usu的答案

— How long does it take to go there by train? —The training is very fast.
"— How long does it take to go there by train? —The training is very fast."

—How about going to the class together? 


– May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


– Ok, I'll fix your computer right now.

– Oh, take your time. __________


— It arrives by mail, I suppose.

– How about going to the cinema?

 – ___________

– Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer?  


— How many students are there in your class  ___? 

— Forty-five.

—I'm going to Beijing for a few days.
— _______. I wish I could go with you.

—  Well, may I know how long the training will be?

—  _______

— I usually go there by train. 

— _________________

— Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning?

— ________________ 

--- ________ you ________ free tomorrow? 

--- No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.

— What are you going to do this weekend?

— ___________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my parents.

—Let’s go and see our teacher on Teachers’ Day.

— _________________________________

关于开标时间,下列说法正确的是(     )。


— I’d like some information about the management of your hotel. 

— Well, ___________

软件测试贯穿于整个于软件生命周期,其测试的基本问题是(   )

①  明确测试目标

②  确认测试对象

③  建立测试生命周期

④  制定和实施测试策略

⑤        选择测试类型

⑥        运用测试方法

If you don’t want to go, I will go _____ you.

