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An application software is any program(68)to perform. a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.

2021-12-31 20:10



Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting(73) files are linked ether to make an executable application.
● Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting ___(71)___ files are linked ether to make an executable application.
Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting (71) files are linkedtogether to make an executable application.(71)
Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting (71) files are linked together to make an executable application.
●As an important phase in software development,software design is the continuation of software requirement analysis phase. (69) .
Software engineering is the study and an application of engineering to the design, development ,and ( ) of software
Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the ( ), development and maintenance of software.
????????Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the (71)??development and maintenance of software??????????
Software is divided into two categories,system software and application software.Please choose one which is differ from other three
Software quality assurance is now an (1) sub-discipline of software engineering. As Buckly and Oston point out, (2) software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate (3) of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of (4) software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one of the principal goals of (5) in software engineering.
Software quality assurance is now an(71)sub-discipline of software engineering. As Bucldy and Oston point out,(72)software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate(73)of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of(74)software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one of the principal goals of(75)in software engineering.
Microsoffs COM is a software(66)that allows applications to be built from binary software components. COM defines a binary standard for function calling between components, a way for components to dynamically discover the interfaces implemented by other components, and a mechanism to identify components and their interfaces uniquely.OLE is a compound(67)standard developed by Microsoft. OLE makes it possible to create(68)with one application and link or embed them in a second application. Embedded objects retain their original format and(69)to the application that created them. Support for OLE is built into the Windows and MacOS Operating Systems. A(70)compound document standard developed mainly by Apple and IBM is called OpenDoc.
The (1) program means a program written in a high-level language. It is generally translated to an (2) program, which is in a form. directly understandably by the computer.The translation is usually done by a program called (3).
The(74) program is generally translated to an object program, which is in a form. directly understandably by the computer.
The(71) program is generally translated to an object program, which is in a form. directly understandably by the computer。
The most important program on any computer is (73) .
An application software is any program(68)to perform. a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.
Software refers to(70). The most important software on any computer is(71).
An important step in fighting any electrical fire is to().
●In which phase of the software engineering process is the Software Requirements Specification developed? (68) .
●In which phase of the software engineering process is the Software Requirements Specification developed? (68) .
To()sanitary water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
When()clean ballast water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
In view of()bilge water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
An output device is any computer component capable of(72)information to a user.
To()sanitary water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
When()clean ballast water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
In view of()bilge water from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
Software document is an important part of software and a basis of software's development phase.It also influnces software's
Without systems software, application software in a computer is(73)
Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting ______ files are linked to make an executable application.
Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting _______ files are linked together to make an executable application.
