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 I feel it is you的答案


—I wonder if Icould use your tablet tonight?

—________________. I’m not using it right now.

-I've been using the computer for a long time and my neck doesn't feel well.


— Your plan is perfect and I believe that it will be a great success .

— ________________

It's a good idea. But who's is going to _______ the plan?

— Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight?


— Could I borrow your iPad for a few hours?

— Do you like your present job? 

— ________________________,I just do it for a living. 

It is common practice now ________ the web for resources and information for homework. 

 I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.

You are the right person for the job that_______ your application ________the advertisement.

—________________ , but I still have the feeling that it's not safe enough.
—I couldn't agree more. That's why I only do street shopping.

___________ the article recalls for me is not the same ____________ it recalled for my wife
If you ask me why I decide to study biology in Britain, the only answer is that it is a ____________ for me.
39. ------ Mr White is strongly against the plan.------ ________ ? It was he who suggested it.
Did the medicine make you feel better? No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
__________ banker is __________ man who lends you __________ umbrella when the weather is fair, and takes it away from you when it rains.
39. ------ Mr White is strongly against the plan.------ ________ ? It was he who suggested it.
Is he still in the company? Who_______for?
It is the _____ who organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings.
---What will you buy for your husband‘s birthday ?---I want to buy a _____ wallet for him.
