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Patrols should be的答案



—In total, it should be about 15,000 RMB for the three-daytraining.

—Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning?


— Sorry for being late. I should have called you earlier.
—__________. I've just arrived

Chemical spill guidelines should be established by the lab supervisor and should take into ______ the following.

Then your _____will be sold by auction.

—  To be exact, what should I wear for the interview?

—  _______

— Mary, our team will play against the Rocket next weekend. I’m sure we will win.

— ________________________

Patrols should be conducted by teams ______ individuals.

If their marketing team succeeds, they _____ their profits by 20 percent.

Who should be responsible _____ the accident?

“The year 1999” should be read “The year __________”.
Be quiet ____________ you should wake the baby.
Children should be taught not to __________ handicapped people.
________shoud be done by menmber of the host team when people welcome a visitor at the airport.
Some argue that by their ______nature, these elite places of learning should not be easily accessible.
By saying “Latin should be beaten in”(Para.2),the writer wishes us to understand that______.
He should be responsible ______ that.
Jane Austen’ s practical idealism is that love should be justified by ______ and disciplined by self-control.
The term CFR should be followed by _____. 选项
The results of this experiment do not_________those of the studies that the team of scientists had conducted previously
