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There()a book and some magazines on the desk.

2022-01-01 10:08



标签: 专升本英语
● The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.(72)
The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.
In a survey of 63 people, 23 people subscribed to magazine A, 21 people subscribed to magazine B, and 17 subscribed to magazine C. For any two of the magazines, 4 people subscribed to both magazines but not to the third magazine. If 18 people in the survey did not subscribe to any of the three magazines, how many people subscribed to all three magazines?
There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have travelled to the places. Or you can go and see a colour film. Or you can read travel books.
It would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective (主观的) account of travels which the author has actually made himself, if they are informative and have a good index (索引), then they can be useful to you when you are planning your travels. The second kind are those books whose purpose is to give a purely objective (客观的)description of things to be done and seen. If a well-read, cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can be sorted as a selected guide book. The third kind are those books which are called "a guide" to some place or other. If they are good, they will, in addition to their factual information, give an analysis or an explanation. Like the first kind they can be inspiring and interesting. But their basic purpose is to help the reader who wishes to plan in the most practical way.
Whatever kind of travel book you choose you must make sure that it does not describe everything as "wonderful", "excellent" or "magical". You must also note its date of publication because travel is a very practical affair and many things change quickly in the twenty-first century. Finally, you should make sure that the contents are well presented and easy to find.This passage is about ().
There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have travelled to the places. Or you can go and see a colour film. Or you can read travel books.
It would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective (主观的) account of travels which the author has actually made himself, if they are informative and have a good index (索引), then they can be useful to you when you are planning your travels. The second kind are those books whose purpose is to give a purely objective (客观的)description of things to be done and seen. If a well-read, cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can be sorted as a selected guide book. The third kind are those books which are called "a guide" to some place or other. If they are good, they will, in addition to their factual information, give an analysis or an explanation. Like the first kind they can be inspiring and interesting. But their basic purpose is to help the reader who wishes to plan in the most practical way.
Whatever kind of travel book you choose you must make sure that it does not describe everything as "wonderful", "excellent" or "magical". You must also note its date of publication because travel is a very practical affair and many things change quickly in the twenty-first century. Finally, you should make sure that the contents are well presented and easy to find.The following travel books may be of use when you plan your travels except ().
There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have travelled to the places. Or you can go and see a colour film. Or you can read travel books.
It would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective (主观的) account of travels which the author has actually made himself, if they are informative and have a good index (索引), then they can be useful to you when you are planning your travels. The second kind are those books whose purpose is to give a purely objective (客观的)description of things to be done and seen. If a well-read, cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can be sorted as a selected guide book. The third kind are those books which are called "a guide" to some place or other. If they are good, they will, in addition to their factual information, give an analysis or an explanation. Like the first kind they can be inspiring and interesting. But their basic purpose is to help the reader who wishes to plan in the most practical way.
Whatever kind of travel book you choose you must make sure that it does not describe everything as "wonderful", "excellent" or "magical". You must also note its date of publication because travel is a very practical affair and many things change quickly in the twenty-first century. Finally, you should make sure that the contents are well presented and easy to find.The date of the publication must be noticed because ().
Suppose you begin reading a book on page h and end on page k . If the pages are numbered and read consecutively, then how many pages have you read?
The American love of sports (11) to a pitch never before known. (12) the middle of the century we were practically without sports and even until some fifteen years ago there (13) very little enthusiasm aroused by sports (14) the fever that has within the past decade and a half swept over the country.(15) the passionate fervor has been increasing,and the coming season promises to be the most enthusiastic of all.(16) England the Romans brought their sports;then the Saxons and the Normans added others,and there were football matches and archery games.In 1618 King James I issued a book of sports stating what sports were (17) after church service on Sundays;but intense anger was (18) among those who strictly observed the principles of the Bible,and in 1644 the Long Parliament ordered the book (19) by the public executioner,and all sports forbidden or strongly (20) .
There _____ a book and some magazines on the desk.( )
()is entitled to enter into,with a shipper,any agreement,stipulation,condition,reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to,or in connection with,the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on,and subsequent to the discharge from,the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.
Passage 8  ● Read the email and brochure below.  ● Complete the booking form on the opposite page.  ● Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.Hi Tracy,  Could you please fill in the form to book a 2-day team-building event with Wildevent Company for eight of our sales staff? The following is the brochure. I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November. We just need four double rooms and a small meeting room. Could you ask for a coach to collect us?Thanks.Alan  Event Check List:  Location  Day Event or Overnight with Accommodation.  Accommodation no. of delegates (Rooms-shared or single rooms, leisure facilities).  Dinner Requirements—private, themed or entertainment.  Conference room size and seating Special Needs-meeting room equipment, sound systems, grounds for events.  Transportation—parking, coaches for collection and return of delegates.  Delegate Type—24hr or day delegate.  Tel: 01787 269 819  Booking Form
The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck()there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.

Computer software, or just software is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system. The term includes: .

In which column of a magazine or newspaper may the article appear?
Next to the table ______ two old chairs and some books.
Only because there were some cancelled bookings in the end ________
David, there a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.
There ______ some chopsticks on the table.
There were some ______ flowers on the table.
The attitudes or emotion of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word form ___ of a word.
There _____ a book and some magazines on the desk.()
There _____ some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table.
Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure: (115=15 points,15%) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences or questions in this part For each sentencethere are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence Then mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet 21 A nuclear war would set()the development of all countries by centuries
Vocabulary and Structure: (115=15 points,15%) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences or questions in this part For each sentencethere are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence Then mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet 21 A nuclear war would set()the development of all countries by centuries
There are 15 incomplete sentences or questions in this part For each sentencethere are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence Then mark the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet 21 A nuclear war would set()the development of all countries by centuries
There’s been some dirty work with the club accounts and some money is missing.()
On()side of the street there are some trees.
There()a book and some magazines on the desk.
In a two-stroke engine, there are always a series of openings known as (), and in some circumstances, there are also openings known as (), in the part of the cylinder liner.
The Urgency Signal()indicates that the station calling has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a ship or aircraft,or of some person on board or within sight.
AThis is the twins' bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same.This bed is Lily's and that one is Lucy's. The-twins have two chairs and one desk. Their clock, books and pencil cases are on the desk. Their backpacks are behind the chairs Some nice flowers(花) are on the desk. Some pictures are on the wall. Is there a base-ball? Yes, it,s under Lily's bed. The bedroom is very nice.( )21. The twins are ________ .
There are many forms of online advertising. ( )is a small rectangular object on a and includes a hyperlink to the Web page that displays a stationary or moving advertiser&39;s Web site.
