首页/ 题库 / [单选题]6. —Let’ s play voll的答案

— Let’s go for a walk, ______?

— OK, I’m coming. Don’t forget to bring your camera, ______? 

(单选题)“Our team plays here Saturday.”“Good. Let’s count________ to the game.”(2)
-I’m sorry for breaking the vase.
-Look! _______Smiths are playing basketball.
-Let’s _____them.
I like playing _______ football while he likes playing _______ violin. ( )
Did I say “a lot of dime“? I’m sorry, I meant to say “a lot of time”. It’s a ______ of tongue.
It’s __________ windy day. Let’s stay indoors.
— I’m sorry I broke your mirror. — Oh, really? ____________________
-I’m sorry for breaking the vase.
Most authorities agree that play is an ____________ part of a child\'s development.
6.I _________ some money from him,but I’ll _________ it tohim in a few days.
Haven.t seen you for ages. Let.s have a dinner together this weekend. ____________
I’m sorry to break your glasses. ____________
— I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me? — Sorry, I ________ the piano for years.
– Hello, may I speak to Mike? – _________________ – Sorry, I must have misdialed.
Excuse me, is this the Sale’s Department? – _________________ – I am so sorry.
-Look! _______Smiths are playing basketball. -Let’s _____them.
—Hi, Tory, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon? —Sorry. __________.
-I’m sorry for breaking the vase. -_____________________
Cathleen: let.s take a coffee break, shall we? Yolanda: ______, but I can.t.
