首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Our president made a的答案

The heating system of our apartment broke down so I made a ______ call to the community service center. 

The president is to give s formal _____ at the opening ceremony.

The president suggested that a UN observer _______ the conference.
He made a speech to call on young persons’ ____________ commitment to world peace.
Although Jack made a foolish mistake, we __________ at him.
A: Will the speech last long? B: ______.
It is our usual practice to ________ you at sight as soon as shipment is made.
The speaker commanded our attention by a speech which __ _ our own feelings.
At the age of eighty -seven, ________ read his poetry at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
"______ the friendship between our two people last forever!", and with this sincere hope, the president concluded his speech.
The footballer made a (n) _____ gesture, which made the audiences blood boil
The new appointment of our president ________ from the very beginning of next semester
The president made a _______ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly
2The secretary worked late into the night,____a long speech for the president
We regret our inability to agree ____________ your proposal to pack the goods ____________ cardboard boxes, because transshipment has to be made at Hong Kong for the goods to be shipped to our port
John Hilton, ______ is a journalist, made an excellent speech at the meeting yesterday
Since we _____________the opening policy, we started our journey to happiness.
He made a proposal that the problem_________at the meeting.
According to the text, the speech at the end of the tex t.__________
Our president made a(n) ____ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.
