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There is less crime than there used to be. It seems that there is a____ in the crime rate.

2022-01-02 01:44



Rare animals are still being hunted, ______ there is severe punishment for it.( )_
The underlined part of the sentence “There is no better way to improve language skills than by being immersed in a foreign language other than your own.” means “___( )__”.
Rare animals are still being hunted, ______ there is severe punishment for it.( )_
Now soil in this area is ______ than it used to be. Something must be done to it.
It may be safely ____ that there is no animal life on Mars.
The manager told us to use more material than it is necessary.( )
– It seems to be clearing up. – .
There used to be a house_____ on the top of the mountain.( )
M: Celia, you see those girls over there? They need another player for a basketball game. Would you like to join them? W: Seems like it’s a game for fun. Sure, I’ll be there in a minute. 4.What will Celia do?
It seems that there’s nothing impossible with the little mobile phone 回答
(单选、25分)— Excuse me, I think there seems to be a mistake— ____________
The term cognitivism is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat It seems to be largely the result of ___’s reaction to Skinner’s ___theory, which led to the revival of structural linguistics
Salaries for temporary positions seem to be higher than ().
According to Krashen, there is only one way for human to acquire language. What is it?
When required to work where there may be explosive gases, you should use tools which are ()
There is less crime than there used to be. It seems that there is a____ in the crime rate.
The VDR system is designed to operate()once it is set up correctly.There is no user interaction.
If the radio signal ground wave extends out for less distance than the minimum skywave distance,there is an area in which no signal is received.This is called the().
A port()if more than ordinary prudence and skill is needed to avoid exposure to danger there.
Strange______ his behavior. may be, there is a very good reason for it.
