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It is not stated but implied in the passage that ______.

2022-01-03 10:50
A、Ellsworth Huntington is a fortune-teller rather than a scientist
B、cool weather is more effective on man's creative thinking
C、certain elements in nature are more active in one season than in other seasons
D、summer is a good season for vacation


50.答案为A。根据第二段第一句,He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat is作出该项选择。

(单选题)But it does not explain __________ a mother will know that her child is in danger, even though the child itself may not be aware of it.(2)
In this passage it is NOT stated that _________.( )
:some people believe that the most ____ thing in the world is time, but some believe it is money.( )
In________,exchanging business cards is common among professional workers.But normally it is not the situation in social settings.
It is implied in the last paragraph that_________ .
In________,exchanging business cards is common among professional workers.But normally it is not the situation in social settings.
It is implied in the passage that ________.
In this passage it is NOT stated that ( ).
It can be inferred the national from the passage that most people in the United States in 1955 viewed the national economy with an air of _________
It is implied but not stated in the passage that ______
It is implied in the third paragraph that _____.
It is not stated but implied in the passage that ______.
The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies that______.
By “But to...it is not so”(Line 7) the author implies that _____.
The passage implies that cellulose is a very porous substance because it contains______.
The passage implies that medicine in an osmotic pump pill will leave the pill when ______.
The passage implies that ______.
The passage implies that the new constitution ______.
In the passage, the author implies that _____.
It is stated in astrology that ________.
