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●Where box testing of software testing is a test for software structure.Which of the following item should noe be included ing the content of white box? (75) .

2022-01-03 14:24
A、(75) boundary value analysis
B、statement testing
C、branch testing
D、path testing



class Test
int f(im A.const{this->a=a;}//②
static int g(){return a;f//③
void h(int B.{Test:.b=b;};//④
int a;
static int b;
const int C;
int Test::b=0:
在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是(  )。
下面程序段的输出结果为 public class Test { int a,b; Test() { a=100; b=200; } Test(int x,int y) { a=x; b=y; } public static void main(String args[]) { Test Obj1=new Test(12,45); System.out.println(”a=”+Obj 1.a+” b=”+Obj 1.b); Test Obj2=new Test(); System.out.println(”a=”+Obj 2.a+” b=”+Obj 2.b); } }
下列程序段的输出结果是______。 public class Test{ int a,b; Test( ){ a=100; b=200; } Test(int x,int y){ a=X; b=y; } public static void main(String args[ ]){ Test Obj1=new Test(12,45); System.out.println("a="+Obj1.a+"b="+Obj1.B); Test Obj2=new Test( ); System.out.println("a="+Obj1.a+"b="+Obj1.B); } }
有如下程序 public class Test { int a,b; Test ( ) { a = 100; b = 200; } Test(int x, int y) { a = x; b = y; } public static void main(String args[]) { Test Obj1 = new Test(12,45); System.out.println("a = "Obj1.a+" b = "+ObB) ; Test Obj1 = new Test(); System.out.println("a = "Obj1.a+" b = "+Obj1.B) ; } } 程序的运行结果为( )。

11.String test = "Test A. Test B. Test C.";
12.// insert code here
13.String[] result = test.split(regex);
Which regular expression, inserted at line 12,correctly splits test into "Test A","Test B",and "Test C"?()

有如下类定义: class Test { int x_,y_; public: Test ():a_(0) ,b_(0) {} Test(int a,int b=0) :a_(a),b_(b){} }; 若执行语句 Test x(2) ,y[3],*z[4]; 则Test类的构造函数被调用的次数是( )。
下列程序的输出结果是 ( ) class Derao { void test() { Systeme.out.print("NO");} void test (int i) {System.out.print(a);} void test(int a,int b) {System.out.print(a+b);} } class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { Demo de=new Demo(); de.test(); de.test5.; de.test(6,8); } }
下列程序的输出结果是 class Demo { void test( ) { Systeme.out.pnnt("NO");} void test(int i) { System.out.print(a);} void test(int a,int b) { System.out.print(a+b);} } class Test { public static void main(String args[ ] ) { Demo de=new Demo( ); de.test( ); de.test(5); de.test(6,8); } }
●Configuration and (1)testing are typically good choices for outsourcing. They usually require a large test lab containing many different hardware and software (2)and a staff of several people to manage it. Most small software companies can’t(3)the overhead and expense for maintaining these test labs, so it makes more sense for them to (4) this testing to companies who make it their (5) to perform. configuration and compatibility tests.
有如下程序: #inClude<iostream> using namespaCe std; Class test{ private: int a; publiC: test( ){Cout<<”ConstruCtor”<<endl;} test(int A.{Cout<<a<<endl;} test(Const test&_test){ a=test.a: Cout<<”Copy ConstruCtor”<<endl: } test( ){Cout<<”destruCtor”<<endl;} }; int main( ){ test A(3); return 0; } 执行这个程序的输出结果是( )。
有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; Class Test { public: Test() {n+=2;} ~Test() {n-=3;} static int getNum() {return n;} private: static int n; }; int Test::n=1; int main() { Test*p=new Test;
White box testing requires the tester to have knowledge of the internal structure.

A successful test is to exhibit the absence of errors in the programs being tested. 

应在下面程序下划线中填写的正确的语句是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public: void test(){cout<< "this is A!";} }; class B:public A{ void test(){ ______ //显示调用基类函数test() cout<< "this is B!"; } }; void main(){}
下列代码中,将引起一个编译错误的行是( )。 1)public class Test{ 2)int m,n; 3)public Test{} 4)public Test(int a){m=a;) 5)public static void main(String args[]){ 6)Test tl,t2; 7)int j,k; 8)j=0;k=0; 9)tl=new Test; 10)t2=new Test(j,k); 11)} 12)}
Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected(75)with the valid input.
●Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected (71) with the valid input.
White box testing is the responsibility of the( )
Which of the following statements about testing software with data is (are) true?Ⅰ.The primary purpose of such testing is to find errors.Ⅱ.Such testing can demonstrate the existence of errors but cannot demonstrate the absence of errors.
Which of following statements about testing software with data is (are) true?Ⅰ.The primary purpose of such testing is to find errors.Ⅱ.Such testing can demonstrate the existence of errors but can not demonstrate the absence of errors.
●Where box testing of software testing is a test for software structure.Which of the following item should noe be included ing the content of white box? (75) .
● XP is (1)of interesting twists that encourage one to think -- for example, how about "Test and then code"? I’ve worked with software companies and a few IT organizations in (2)programmer performance was measured on lines of code delivered and testing was measured on defects found ---- (3)side was motivated to reduce the number of defects prior to testing. XP uses two types of testing: unit and functional.(4), the practice for unit testing involves developing the test for the feature prior to writing the code and further states that the tests should be automated. Once the code is written, it is immediately (5)to the test suite bringing instant feedback.
有如下类定义: class Test { public: Test(){a=0;C=0;t //① int f(int A) const{this->a=a;} //② static int g( ){return a;} //③ void h(int B) {Test::b=b;}; //④ private: int a; static int b; const int c; }; int Test::b=0: 在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是
有如下类定义: class Test { public: Test(){a=0;c=0;} //① int f(int a)const {this->a=a;} //② static int g(){return a;} //③ void h(int b){Test::b=b;}; //④ private: int a; static int b; const int c; }; int Test::b=0; 在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是
有如下类定义: class Test { public: Test(){a=0;c=0} //① int f(int a)const{this->a=a;} //② static int g(){return a;} //③ void h(int b){Test::b;}; //④ private: int a; static int b; const int C; }; int Test::b=0; 在标注号码的行中,能被正确编译的是( )。
下面程序段的输出结果为 public class Test { int a,b; Test() { a=100; b=200; } Test(int x,int y) { a=x; b=y; } public static void main(String args[]) { Test bjl=new Test(12,45); System.out.println("a="+objl.a+" b="+Objl.B); Test Obj2=new Test(); System.out.println("a="+Obj2.a+" b="+Obj2.B); } }
函数int test(int a,int b=l,int c=0),下列调用不合法的个数是 test(0); test(0,0); test(); test(0,0,0);
函数int test(int a,int b=l,int c=0),下列调用不合法的个数是 test(0); test(0,0); test( ); test(0,0,0);
函数int test(int a,int b=1,int c:0),下列调用不合法的个数是 test(0); test(0,0); test( ); test(0,0,0);
函数int test(int a,int b=1,int c=0),下列调用不合法的个数是test(0); test(0,0);test();test(0,0,0);
下面程序段的输出结果为 public class Test { int a, b; Test() { a=100; b=200; } Test(int x,int y) { a=x; b=y; } public static void main(String args[]) { Test Obj1=new Test(12,45); System.out.println("a=+Obj1.a+" b="+Obj1.B) ; Test Obj2=new Test(); System.out.println("="+Obja+" b="+ObjB) ; } }
