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The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is _______ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.

2022-01-03 17:22
A、A everything except B anything but C no less than D nothing more than


选[D]。本题要求考在把握句意的基础上重点辨析所给四个选项。从句意来看,个体电视观众总是(invariably)觉得他(她)只是巨大的、多样化,观众的微不足道的一部分。如果填入[A][B][C]三个选项,所以表达的意思则正好与句子的正确意思相反,只有[D]nothing more than表达了"仅仅,只不过"的意思。

The MP told me that he had a good natural sense of speed.
He told me that the number of students to be admitted at that time.
Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is__.
3. The APA indicates that too much TV violence may change children ______.
He ____ that he could finish the job without any help
The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the individual is__________.
Without ______, there is no way to determine the very sense of the word that the speaker intended to convey.( )
He said that he ___ to the United States. ( )
He( ) the idea that he couldn’t do the job and was determined to show them that he was qualified for it. 选项
During the TV interview,the singer announced that he was going to________his new album soon. 选项
He had an illusion when he entered the hotel that the gatekeeper was a ___(detect)
He has not given any ___ that he will accept the offer 得分:4分
)He focused on his work _____hard that he forgot the time
One of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they ________ within individuals and sometimes within an individuals family
At home, viewers may have to learn to use TV monitor that functions more like a computer screen fronting for a hand disc full of all kinds of data
10Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ______
6Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ______
He 回答C to hear that he had passed the exam
1He missed that Premier League game for dating with a回答 lady2He mentioned that Henry missed the Premier League game last回答3He feels no regret about giving up 回答when his wife got sick4He doesnt care if 回答walks in the room5He gave his ticket for that game to his 回答6He thought Henry was 回答him when he learned that Henry missed the game for dating
He said that he had turned the main engine one complete revolution with the ().
