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Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time? ()

2022-01-03 19:24



标签: 1Z0-007

— I would like to make an appointment for the meeting. Which day would you prefer, Tuesday or Thursday?

— _________________ 

--Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?
       --- ______. I think I’ll just have a glass of water.( )
—Cindy, which would you rather buy, the brown belt or the blue one?
—Which would you like, Coke or tea?
—Which would you like, tea or milk?
What size pizza would you like, small or medium?
How would you like your steak, medium or well-done?
1. Would you like the red coat or the blue _____ ?
Would you like tea or coffee?___ , thanks.
Which number would you call if you know several major European languages?
Which do you like , Jeans or cheongsam
( ) 10 —Cindy, which would you rather buy, the brown belt or the blue one—______
What would you like to have, meat or fish?()
our database instance is running. You are not able to access Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control because the listener is not started.Which tool or utility would you use to start the listener?()
Your database instance is running.You are not able to access Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control because the listener is not started.Which tool or utility would you use to start the listener?()
--What would you like, tea or coffee? --()
Which command would you configure globally on a Cisco router that would allow you to view directly connected Cisco devices?()
Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday?()
Which substitution variable would you use if you want to reuse the variable without prompting the user each time? ()
In which two cases would you use an outer join? ()
