首页/ 题库 / [单选题]2. — ________ I fill的答案

2. — ________ I fill in the check-in form. right now,sir?—No,you needn't. You can complete it this afternoon.

2022-01-03 23:03


2.D【解析】情态动词must除了表示推测外,它还有 “必须”的意思,它引导的一般疑问句进行否定回答时,用needn’,不必”,mustn -t表示“禁止”。故答案为D。


Hiring the right employee ________ you ________ a thousand times over in high employee morale. 

I ________in the company since I came to the city. 

— In what form will you take the investment?

— ____________

Workers in big firms receive a ____________ part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.
Mary filled in the application form, but she didn’t know which office _______.
When filling the forms, Dr. Ginoux felt depressed because ______ .( )
When she was filling the application forms, Dr. Ginoux began to be ______ .( )
– Hello, I need to get in contact with Mr. Fox right away. – __________________
I’ve ______ the word in several dictionaries, but I can’t ______ how to use the word correctly. ( )
ack _________ in the street when I ____ on him. ( )
Jack _________ in the street when I ____ on him. ( )
A: May I use the phone in my room ? B: ______________________
A: Here is the registration form, please fill in it. Would you like a pen ? B: _________________________
- I won the first prize in today.s speech contest. - ____________________
Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunct: He is pleasant enough and ____________ I don’t like him
Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunct: The news may be unexpected ________________ it is true
Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition:Michael has remarkable talent ________ basketball
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb or verb phrase given: If the weather __________ (be) more favorable, the crops would be growing still
Fill in the blanks ( 1 point for each, 20%) 1 The six stops (plosives) in consonants are (____), (____), _(____), (____),(____),(____) The
The word TB is NOT formed in the way of __________
