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Professor Smith promised to look()my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the thesis defense.

2022-01-04 01:06



标签: 专升本英语
Professor Smith promised to look()my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.
My camera can be()to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

Professor Smith promised to look ______ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense. 

若汇票上载明收款人姓名,但未加注限制转让字样,如Pay to John Smith or order,则此汇票视为()。
Dr Hampton: Good morning, Professor Smith.Professor Smith: ______, Dr Hampton.Dr Hampton: May I come in?Professor Smith: Of course, please.
Dr Hampton: Good morning,  Professor Smith.Professor Smith:______,Dr Hampton.Dr Hampton: May I come in?Professor Smith: Of course, please.
Practice 1  情景:John去找Smith,请他参加年度英语晚会,正巧他不在。  任务:请你以John的名义用英语给Smith写一张50词左右的便条。  内容包括:  ·你何时来的;  ·邀请他去参加年度英语晚会,正巧他不在:  ·年度英语晚会的时间和地点;  ·晚会都有哪些节目;  ·请他尽快跟你联系。  要求:格式准确,表达清楚,字迹工整。  参考词汇:年度英语晚会(the annual English evening)  请用下面格式。Aug. 17th, 2010  Dear Smith,  …John
Hello. my name is Edward Green. I()to speak to Mr. Smith, please.
I have promised to help you and I'll_____my word.
The lecture given by Professor Smith was really interesting.()
I have been looking forward to()from my parents

Professor Smith promised to look ______ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense. 

The chairman thought ____________ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.
– Professor, this is Jack Black, my friend. –
– Professor, this is Jack Black, my friend. –  
I am looking forward to ________ with my best friends.( )
my mother seems to have something on her mind and was __ no mood to look at my school report.( )
– Professor, this is Jack Black, my friend. –
My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
I promised to look_________ the matter as soon as I got there. 选项
A: Hello! This is Lee. I want to speak to Smith. B: This is Smith.
8Do you remember ______ to Professor Smith during your last visit(5分)
My sister’s professor had her ________ her paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee
3-Professor Thomas,this is Miss Rita Smith --______
I bought a washing-machine and asked to have it sent to my house. The manager of the store promised to make a prompt()
Please do me a favor — ______ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.
My parents have promised to come to see me before I for Africa.
I have been looking forward to()from my parents.
My father seemed to be in no()to look at my school report.
My father seemed to be in no_________ to look at my school report that day.
Professor Smith promised to look()my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the thesis defense.
