首页/ 题库 / [单选题]All ______ is an ade的答案

This is an opportunity to _______ the reputation of the company. 

All the mobile phones must __________ before the meeting begins. 

The atmosphere is all the air ____________ the earth
I’m sure he is _________ to come to the meeting on time.( )
2. According to the context we can guess that a genius is ________ while an idiot is ________.
The reason _________ I am writing this letter is to tell you about the meeting on Saturday.
All the mobile phones must______ before the meeting starts.
All ____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
They all objected ________ the meeting off.
The price of goods usually rises when the supply is not ______ to the demand.
The directors have a meeting on Friday ____________ there is nothing to discuss.
It is difficult to design a program that will meet the______ needs of all our users.
All the evidence points to the fact ______ he is the murderer. ( )
According to the passage, “above all nations is humanity” might mean ___________. ( )
The manager showed the new employee _______ to find the supplies
According to the text, the basis of all language is ________
If there’s a leak, the first thing to do is to ______ the gas supply
47The meeting is held to ________ (Olympics)
5According to the text, the basis of all language is ________
John Hilton, ______ is a journalist, made an excellent speech at the meeting yesterday
