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A pilot should be responsible()the safety of all the passengers on board.

2022-01-04 04:26



标签: 专升本英语
The frequency()the safety message will be transmitted shall be included in DSC safety call.
To safeguard the operator and other personnel working on or near a hoisting operation which of the following precautions should be observed?()
If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions,or intentions,he should ().
When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side().
You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn.The Master has temporarily gone below.The Pilot orders a course change which you are certain will put the vessel into imminent danger.Your first action should be to().
When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the Letter()must be hoisted.
While the Pilot is maneuvering the vessel to a dock,what is the PRIMARY responsibility of the watch officer?()
Although the Shipowner may be responsible for the loss or damage to the goods,his liability may be limited()the terms of the contract or the statute.
The radiotelephone safety message urgently concerned with safety of a person would be prefixed by the word().
If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()
When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship,and the pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship’s engine,care must be taken that the pilot().
The nozzle of a gasoline hose or can should be kept().

Who should be responsible _____ the accident?

A pilot should be responsible ________ the safety of all the passengers on board.
A bus driver is responsible __________ the safety of his passengers.
Melinda thinks the companies should be responsible for_______
When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the Letter () must be hoisted.
If heavy smoke is coming from the paint locker,the first firefighting response should be to().
A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision. What should the Master do().
The Urgency Signal()indicates that the station calling has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a ship or aircraft,or of some person on board or within sight.
Although the Shipowner may be responsible for the loss or damage to the goods,his liability may be limited by the terms of().
The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().
A ship is responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().
The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().
A pilot should be responsible()the safety of all the passengers on board.
The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible()the explosions that happened last month in London.
The man in charge of a ship is().He is responsible for the ship ,her cargo and the safety of the crew.
Sluggish response or action of the hydraulic actuators may be a result of ().
When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be ()
When under maneuvering conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be
The Company should establish in the SMS that () has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention.
When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate, the new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of () for a period not exceeding five years.
