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The words such as quantity, grade, viscosity and specific gravity should be in the ().

2022-01-04 04:34
A、repair list
B、spare parts order list
C、price list
D、bunker list



If the state of the goods at the time they were handed over to the consignee has been the subjectof a joint survey or inspection by the parties,notice in writing()be given of loss or damage ascertained during such survey or inspection.
The words such as quantity, grade, viscosity and specific gravity should be in the ().
Where a container,pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods,the number of packages or units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport()to be the number of packages or units in calculating the amount beyond which the carrier or the ship is not reliable.
Fires occurring in combustible metals, such as sodium or magnesium, are classified as a ().
Mechanical gearing of deck machinery such as the windlass or boat hoists should().
Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.
Project ______is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.
● Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality.(71)
He claims that advertising today tends to portray women in traditional roles such as cooking or taking care of the baby.
()shall be liable for loss of and damage to the Vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents.
The total quantity of oil discharge into the sea()for existing tankers 1/15000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo or which the residue formed a part().
The master may bind the Shipowner or Charterer()doing such things as are necessary on the part of the one or of the other to carry out the contract.
You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.

Provide any information specifically _______ in the job advertisement such as availability date, or references.

A/An__language test,such as IELTS or TOEFL,is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.
A / An _ language test, such as IELTS or TOEFL, is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.
The attitudes or emotion of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word form ___ of a word.
An output device, such as a keyboard or mouse, gathers input and transforms it into a series of electronic signals for the computer
As per UCP600, the words “to”, “till”, “from”, “between” when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned, the words “before” and “after” exclude the date mentioned. ()




The word “critical” in the sentence “This is a critical period as any loss of propulsion, or steering, can lead to collision, grounding, or other damage to the ship” can be best replaced by ().
The quantity or condition which is measured and controlled is known as the ()
The lower-level classes (known as subclasses or derived classes) ( ) state and behavior from the higher-level class (known as a super class or base class).
