首页/ 题库 / [单选题]A notice was _____in的答案

 In a car accident, you should ________ the other car's number in order to report to the police later. 

3.  The notice on the lobby reminds all the guests to make sure that their _______are well protected.(本题2.0分)
The notice on the lobby reminds all the guests to make sure that their _______are well protected.
These developments ____________ a major change in the established order.
It ________ as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room.
The student's first attempt at writing a play was a far __________ from the work of Shakespeare.
It ________ as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room.
The student\'s first attempt at writing a play was a far __________ from the work of Shakespeare.
15. The student organizations seem to be effective in ______
An undergraduate student has to earn a certain number of______in order to receive a degree at the end of four years study.
Even though pay was important, ___________ brought the greatest satisfaction was knowing that someone had noticed how a job was being done
To succeed in online degree programs, it is necessary for the students to __________.
In a car accident, you should ________ the other car.s number in order to report to the police later.
In order to get the medicine, the villagers had to ______
In order to have a successful meeting, the organizer should ______ first
It was a hot and humid night; all the soldiers________out of sight, waiting for the orders to attack
The students ________ a group to protect the environment
In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym _______ to do exercises
All the students went to the magic show yesterday. It was really ______.
Adam Smith mentioned the number 4 800 in order to ______.
