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A double male coupling is one that().

2022-01-05 21:58
A、has left hand twist
B、has inside threads on both ends
C、has outside threads on both ends
D、takes two men to operate



● In (74) the only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most recently.(74)
A double star is a star that().
A list signal of one white light indicates that the vessel is ().
Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.
Project ______is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.
● Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality.(71)
 ______ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.
In general, a rising intonation is seen as being more impolite that a falling one.()
Buying clothes()(是一件很耗时的工作), because those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
Jitter is an unwanted variation of one or more characteristics of a periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications and()refers to call issues that cause variations in timing or time of arrival.
When joining the female coupling of the fire hose to the male outlet of the hydrant,you should make sure that the().
()generally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching.
One of the things that make Fiji a tourist attraction is
A signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged,and one short blast,in that order is given by a vessel().
A vessel sounding a fog signal of one short,one prolonged,and one short blast is indicating that the vessel is().
Where the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from,or from one place to another or others,the policy is called a().
A circuit that has one wire in contact with the hull of the ship is a()
What provides little or no indication that a vessel is dragging anchor? ()
A hydraulic machine is one that uses () to do work.
One of the main advantages of a graphite-furnace atomizer is that()
A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is that the().
A double male coupling is one that().
A variable star is one that().
A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a language is a__________.
Password is a(n)(71)series of characters that enables a user(72)a file, computer or program. On multi - user systems,(73)user must enter his or her password(74)the computer will respond to commands. The password helps ensure that unauthorized users do not access the computer. In addition, data files and programs may require a password.Ideally, the password should be something(75)could guess. In practice, most people choose a password that is easy to remember, such as their name or their initials. This is one reason it is relatively easy to break into most computer system.
In ______, the only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most recently.
A double star is a star that().
Either you or one of your students ______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.
A small light tackle with blocks of steel or wood that is used for miscellaneous small jobs is called a().
()is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites.
()is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites.
In(74), the only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most recently.
