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The phrase "make sense" in the last sentence probably means"()

2022-01-09 22:14
A、starting early isn't a good idea
B、starting early sounds reasonable
C、starting early makes one sensitive to language
D、starting early makes one acquire a language better


文章第一至三段说明儿童早点学外语的好处,第四至五段说明成人也可学好外语,最后一段用 Still开头,表示转折,是对第一至三段的肯定,因此根据最后一段Still,if children are going to devote the six years or so of study it takes to master a second language,starting early just makes sense. (然而,如果一个孩子想用六年左右的时间学会一门外语,早点开始还是不错的。)可以看出,B)“早点开始是有道理的”是正确的。

标签: 大学英语
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In the fifties last century many new cities()in the desert
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The three Ds mentioned in the last paragraph are( )
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The phrase "make sense" in the last sentence probably means"()
Which of the following is the closest in meaning to "pep up" in the last paragraph?
