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I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term.

2022-01-10 19:04
B、to complete
D、being completed


本题考查非谓语动词的使用。句意应为“这个学期结束前,我要做很多阅读练习。”由于时间状语before the end of this term表达未来的时间,所以空格处使用动词不定式表示将来,充当readings的定语。


— Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! 

— _________________This is not the end of the world.

Did I say “a lot of dime“? I’m sorry, I meant to say “a lot of time”. It’s a ______ of tongue.
Nixon was the first US President to _______before the end of his term of office.
Lots of children have ______ friends.
— Didn\'t you have a good time at the party?
— Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _______ so quickly.
By the end of this month, I_______enough money for a training course.
I.ve visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them______ this one.( )
African arts have won the ____________ of a lot of people all over the world.
I hate people who _____ the end of a film.
A lot of the ____ living in the area ____ very poor.
I ____ have a quiet night in front of the TV.
) With a lot of difficult problems _____, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. ( )
)In these days, much of the __1___of a business--- sometimes the whole of its success---depend __2__ the use of the odds and ends. The odds and ends are various __3___ things. They are left over when the main thing is produced. Yet they have a real value __4___ their own. All kinds of big businesses have their odds and ends. In a big meal factory , __5___ example , there are countless odds and ends---bones and hair , to __6___ only a few. The bones are made into glue; the hair is made into rope. If these odds and ends were to be __7___ down upon , it would mean a big __8___ in the amount of the profit of the factory. We students have our own odds and ends. Take time __9___ instance. Every one of us has the same amount of it. Our success or failure depends on the __10___ of our time. (1). ①( )
I have spent a lot of time_______repairing the machine.
I hate people who ____ the end of a film that you havent seen before
With the development of modern industries, a lot of traditional values that developed from a farm-based economy have been enormously________
By the time the course ends,____ a lot about the British way of life
--- Guess what! I have got A for my term paper --- Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it
I have to see the doctor because I ______ a lot lately.
According to the text, the speech at the end of the tex t.__________
