Practice 1 Modern intolerance, like ancient Gaul, is divided into three parts; the intolerance of laziness, the intolerance of ignorance and the intolerance of self-interest. The first of these is perhaps the most general. It is to be met with in every country and among all classes of society. It is most common is small villages and old-established towns, and it is not restricted to human beings. It is this particular variety of intolerance which makes parents shake their heads over the foolish behavior of their children, which has caused the absurd myth of “the good old days”; which makes savages and civilized creatures wear uncomfortable clothes; which fills the world with a great deal of superfluous nonsense and generally turns all people with a new idea into the supposed enemies of mankind. The second variety is much more, serious. An ignorant man is, by the very fact of his ignorance, a very dangerous person. But when he tries to invent an accuse for his own lack of mental faculties, he becomes a holy terror. For then he erects within his soul a granite bulwark of self-righteousness and from the high pinnacle of this formidable fortress, he defies all his enemies to show cause why they should be allowed to live. There remains as a third category the intolerance caused by self-interest. (Hendrik Willem Van Loon: Tolerance)