首页/ 题库 / [单选题]某C语言结构体的定义如下。 struct的答案

某C语言结构体的定义如下。 struct date { int year, month, day; }; struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }person; 若对变量person的出生年份进行赋值,正确的赋值语句是(33)。

2022-03-03 11:40
B、birthday. year=1976
C、person. year=1976
D、person. birthday. year=1976



有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days[]={ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date( int m,int d,int y ) { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+( iht day ) { date dt = * this; day += dt.day; while ( day > days[ dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= days[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 ) { dt.month = 1; dt.year++; } } dt.day = day; return dt; } }; int main() { date dl( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2 = dt + 20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是( )。
有以下程序: classDate {public: Date(inty,intm,intd); {year=Y; month=m; day=d;} Date(inty=2000) {year=y; month=10; day=1;} Date(Date&d) {year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day;} voidprint() {cout<<year<<"."<<month<"."<< day<<endl;} private: intyear,month,day;}; Datefun(Dated) {Datetemp; temp=d; returntemp;} intmain() {Datedatel(2000,1,1),date2(0,0,O); Datedate3(date1); date2=fun(date3); return0;} 程序执行时,Date类的复制构造函数被调用的次数是( )。
有以下程序: classDate { public: Date(inty,intm,intd); { year=Y: month=m; day=d; } Date(inty=2000) { year=y; month=10; day=1; } Date(Date&d){ year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day; } voidprint( ) { cout<<year<<"."<(month<<"."<<day<<endl; } private: intyear,month,day; }; Datefun(Dated) { Datetemp; temp=d; returntemp; } intmain( ) { Datedatel(2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0); Datedate3(datel); date2=fun(date3); return0; } 程序执行时,Date类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是( )。
有以下程序: Class Date { public: Date(int y,int m,mt d); { year=y; month=m; day=d; } Date(int y=2000) { year=y; month=10; day=1; } Date(Date &D) { year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day; } Void prin
已知:Manager extends Employee观察:public Manager(String n,double s,int year,int month,int day) { super(n,s,year,month,day); bonus=0; }其中super是 ( )
某C语言结构体的定义如下。 struct date { int year, month, day; }; struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }person; 若对变量person的出生年份进行赋值,正确的赋值语句是(33)。
已知学生记录描述为 struct student { int no; char name[20]; char sex; struct { int year; int month; int day; } birth; }; struct student s;变量s中的“生日”应是“1985年4月4日”,下列对“生日”的正确赋值方式是______。
struct workers   
{int num;char name[20];char C;
 {int day;int month;int year;)S;
struct workers w,*pw;
能给w中year成员赋1980的语句是(  )。
已知如下定义,则sizeof(a)的值是 struct{ int i; char c; double a;}a;
已知如下定义,则sizeof(a)的值是struct{int i;char c;double a; } a;
设有以下语句:Typedef struct TT{char c; int a[4];}CIN;则下面叙述中错误的是( )。A.不可以用TT定义结构体变量B.TT是结构体标识名C.可以用CIN定义结构体变量D.CIN是struct TT类型的变量
In a business letter,the date line consists of the month,day and year.which is the right business style of date line ?
In a business letter,the date line consists of the month,day and year.which is the right business style of date line ?
在16位IBM-PC机上使用C语言,若有如下定义: struct data{int i;char ch;double f;}b; 则结构变量b占用内存的字节数是( ).
以下程序的运行结果为( )#include main(){struct date{int year,month,day;}today; printf(%d ,sizeof(struct date));}
有以下程序: Class Date {public: Date(int y,int m,int d); {year=y; month=m; day=d;} Date(int y=2000) {year=y; month=10; day=1;) Date(Date &D) {year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day;} void print() {cout<<year<<“.”<<mo
设有以下定义: typedef union {long i;int k[5];char c,}DATE, struct date {int cat;DATE cow;double dog;}too; DATE max; 则下列语句的执行结果是( ) printf("%d",stzeof(struct date)+sizeof(max));
设有以下说明和定义: typedef union {long i int k[5];char c;}DATE; struct date {int cat;DATE cow;double dog;}too; DATE max; 则下列语句的执行结果是 ( ) printf("%d",sizeof(struet date)+sizeof(max));
设有如下说明 typedef struct { int n; char c;double X;}STD; 则以下选项中,能正确定义结构体数组并赋初值的语句是
设有如下说明: typedef struct { int n; char c;double x;}STD; 则以下选项:能正确定义结构体数组并赋初值的语句是( )。
设有如下说明:typedef struct{int n;char c;double x;}STD;有以下选项,能正确定义结构体数组并赋初值的语句是( )。
设有如下说明typedef struct{ int n; char c; double x;}STD;则以下选项中 ,能正确定义结构体数组并赋初值的语句是
设有如下说明: typedef struct {int n; char c; double x;) STD; 则以下选项中,能正确定义结构体数组并赋初值的语句是( )。
设有如下说明 typedef struct {int n;char c;double x;}STD; 则以下选项中,能正确定义结构体数组并赋初值的语句是
有以下程序: class Date { public: Date(int y, int m, int d); year = y; month = m; day = d; Date(int y = 2000) year = y; month = 10; day = 1; Date(Date &d) { year = d.year; month = d.month; day = a.day; } void print() cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<end1; } private: int year, month,day; }; Date fun(Date d) Date temp; temp = d; return temp; } int main() { Date date 1 (2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0); Date date3(date 1); date2 = fun(date3); return 0; } 程序执行时,Date 类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是
已知学生记录描述为: struct student { int no; char name[20],sex; struct { int year,month,day; } birth; }; struct student s; 设变量s中的“生日”是“1984年11月12日”,对“birth”正确赋值的程序段是( )。
有以下程序 #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days []={31,28.31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; class date { private: int month, day, year: public: date (int m, int d, int y { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date{} {} void disp {) { cout <<year<<" - "<<month<< "- "<<day<<end1; } date operator+(int day) { date dt = *this: day += dt.day; while { day > days[ dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= tays[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 { dt.month = 1; dt.yeare++; } } dr. day = day; return dt; } }; int main() { date d1( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2.= d1 + 20; d2.disp (); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是
有以下程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,31,30,31,30,31}; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date(int m,int d,int y) { month=m; day=d; year=y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+(int day) { date dt=*this; day+=dt.day; while(day>days[dt.month-1]) { day-=days[dt.month-1]; if(++dt.month==13) { dt.month=1; dt.year++; } } dt.day=day; retrn dt; } }; int main() { date d1(6,20,2004),d2; d2=d1+20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是
有以下程序 #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days[]= { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; class date { private: int month, day, year; public: date( int m, int d, int y ) { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+( int day ) { date dt = *this; day+= dt.day; while ( day > days[dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= days[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 ) { dt.month = 1; dt.year++; } } dt.day = day; return dt; }; int main() { date d1( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2: d1 + 20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是
有以下程序: class Date { public: Date(int y,int m,int d); { year = y; month = m; day = d; } Date(int y = 2000) { year = y; month = 10; day = 1; } Date(Date &d) { year = d.year; month = d.month; day = d.day; } void print() { cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<endl; } private: int year,month,day; }; Date fun(Date d) { Date temp; temp = d; resurn temp; } int main () { Date date1 (2000,1,1),date2 (0,0,0); Date date3 (date1); date2 = fun(date3); return 0; } 程序执行时,Date类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是
以下程序的运行结果是( )。 #include <stdio.h> main() { st,uct date {int year,month,day;}today; printf("%d ",sizeof(struct date)); }
