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The word “euthanasia” in the second paragraph most probably means ________.

2022-03-15 16:17
A、[A] doctors’ sympathy to dying patients
B、[B] doctors’ aggressive medical measures to dying patients
C、[C] doctors’ mercy killing to reduce sufferings of dying patients
D、[D] doctors’ well-meaning treatment to save dying patients


58. [C]意为:医师为帮助生命垂危病人摆脱痛苦而采取的致死措施。 本题是一道词义题,但是解题更多的需要涉及到文章中心词,本文第一段从澳大利亚通过的一个关于安乐死法案的新闻入手,下文全部在讨论各界对该法案的反应,同时在文章最后作者以实例表明了自己对安乐死的观点,由此我们可以确定文章的中心是关于安乐死的。而考研文章的任何一道阅读题目的命制都是和文章中心紧密相连的。据此我们可以推断出答案为C。 A意为:医师对垂危病人的同情。 B 医师对垂死病人采取的过激医疗手段。 D 医师为挽救垂危病人的生命而采取的善意的治疗。 另外“euthanasia” 所在句和下面的 In the US and Canada, where the right to die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.处于平衡位置,由此我们可以判断“euthanasia”和下句的 the right to die 大意相同,答案可以锁定 C,四个选项中只有该选项与死亡相关。

The word "eccentric" in the second paragraph most probably means__________

Why is the word “speak” in the second paragraph in quotation marks(引号)? 

1. The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _______ while “dull” in the second paragraph means ________.
The word “subjects”(in Paragraph 4) in the context most probably refers to __________.( )
In the second sentence, Paragraph 2, the word "press" means . [ 2.2 分 ]
The word "real" in the last paragraph may most probably mean ______
In “It has brought its language with it” (the second paragraph), the first word “it” refers to (C)
What does the underlined word "muzzles" in the last PARAGRAPH most probably mean?
In .the first sentence of the second paragraph, the word skyrocketed, most probably means ______.
The underlined word in the second paragraph means __________.
The word "immersed" in the second paragraph means“______”.
The underline word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “ ” .
Which of the following words can best take the place of the word "relish" in the second paragraph?
Which of the following words can best take the place of the word“relish”in the second paragraph?
23. What does the underlined word "aggregate" in PARAGRAPH 3 most probably mean?
In the Second paragraph, the underline word "Who", in such a context, stands for_____.
As used in the second sentence of the third paragraph, the word "unique" means ______.
As used in the third sentence of the second paragraph, the word "utter" means ______.
28. The underlined word "shortage" in the second paragraph means "_____ in Chinese.
What does the word “nocturnal” mean in the second paragraph?
