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What should all countries do to help solve the problem of global warming?

2022-04-24 05:57
A、They should replace all the harmful substances.
B、They should willingly undertake legal commitments about their energy uses.
C、They should hold another world conference on climate change.
D、They should provide advanced technology.



根据Excerpt 6中的“We must, however, find a solution to the threat of global warming early in the 21st century. Such a commitment would require a degree of shared vision and common responsibilities new to humanity”可知,在21世纪早期,我们必须找到解决全球气候变暖威胁的办法;这样的承诺要求人们达成一定程度的共识,要求人们共同承担人类的新责任。可见,要解决全球变暖问题需要人们共同承担人类的新责任。故B项为正确答案。

标签: 外语 英语
What should all countries do to help solve the problem of global warming?
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8If you had to ______ between staying here alone or going with me, what would you do(5分)
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