Accounting is More Than Numbers
Accounting could date back to about 7,000 years ago. People of that time relied on old accounting methods to
record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting has greatly developed with the growth of joints tock companies .
When you think of accounting, you may find pages of tables and numbers. That image doesn’t usually give you too much excitement. When you have your ownbusiness, though, those numbers come to
mean the world to you because they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lost.
Actually, accounting is not simply about strange dollar amounts or boring numbers; they’re your sales figures, your costs, and your profits. In other words, accounting is alanguage of business.
Once you know how to work with those numbers, how to read those numbers and how to read the story they
tell, you will be able to manage your business toward greater success.
Accounting is More Than Numbers
Accounting could date back to about 7,000 years ago. People of that time relied on old accounting methods to
record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting has greatly developed with the growth of joints tock companies .
When you think of accounting, you may find pages of tables and numbers. That image doesn’t usually give you too much excitement. When you have your ownbusiness, though, those numbers come to
mean the world to you because they give you the record of how much money you’ve earned or lost.
Actually, accounting is not simply about strange dollar amounts or boring numbers; they’re your sales figures, your costs, and your profits. In other words, accounting is alanguage of business.
Once you know how to work with those numbers, how to read those numbers and how to read the story they
tell, you will be able to manage your business toward greater success.
从市场地理范围大小看,若促销对象是小规模的本地市场,应以 。推销为主。
品牌是市场概念,是 在市场上通行的牌子。
市场领导者欲扩大市场份额时应考虑 、营销组合和反垄断法三项因素。
实行无差异营销战略的企业把 看作一个大的目标市场。
市场细分的可衡量性,表明该细分市场特征的有关数据资料必须能够加以衡量和 。
内部报告系统主要用于向管理人员提供内部运营的“结果资料”,而市场营销情报系统则用于提供外部环境的 。
在竞争性的市场上,无数市场营销活动参与者以买者和卖者的身份交替出现,他们既是信息的发布者,也是信息的 。
市场营销信息系统是由 、设备和程序组成,它为营销决策者收集、挑选、分析、评估和分配所需要的适时和准确的信息。
在企业市场营销管理哲学(观念)的演变历程中,以 的观念,一般称为旧观念。
市场营销在一般意义上可理解为是与 有关的人类活动。
现代企业的市场营销部门不论采用何种形式,都必须体现以 指导思想。
以企业为中心的市场营销管理观念,就是以 为根本取向和最高目标来处理营销问题的观念。