首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Check ____(危险区) and 的答案

If I _____ you, I _____ more attention to the independent auditors’ report and financial statements in the annual report.

— Please give me a hand to print out the report, won't you?

— ________________

I'll ______ the exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you.

(单选题)Once she awoke in the middle of the night and felt the need to check her __________ son Paul.(2)
Their experiment __________, Tom and Mary set out to write the report on the results.
—Next, please. ____________________ —A one-way ticket to Chicago, please.
Please_______the TV. It’s time for the weather report. ( )
Please tell him__________ my train will arrive and ask him to pick me up.
Would you please keep silent? The weather report __________ and I want to listen.
Please _____ the TV. It’s time for the weather report. ( )
In paragraphs 3 and 4, a survey in mainland China and a 2004 report are mentioned to ______________.
[单选题,1.3分] He just does ______ he pleases and never thinks about anyone else.
Policeman: may i see your driving license and vehicle registration card, please?  Driver: ______.
— Morning, boys and girls! Please try your best in today.s exam! Good luck to all of you! — ________________
Reporters were openly and aggressively questioning whether the party was ______ being taken over by extremists
You are just _____ for the game Please come and join us
(单选、25分) Please tell him__________ my train will arrive and ask him to pick me up
There was something about her novels which seemed _____ and pleased with themselves
Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.
Please inform us ____ the supply and demand situation in your country.
