How to Solve the Energy Problem Energy is one of the biggest problems people are faced with today. Not a few far-sighted people point out that our natural resources are very much limited. If we keep consuming our resources at the present rate, they warn, the world will soon be running out of oil, coal and metals and this will certainly lead to a serious energy crisis threatening mankind’s survival.
The majority of the world’s people have responded with a clamor for more severe conservation of our natural resources. This is urgently necessary, indeed. It must be realized that much of our energy, in the form of oil, coal, gas, or electricity, has been wantonly consumed. If things go on like this, we will leave for our descendants a devastated world, a vast stretch of wasteland. So, from now on, we will have to make serious efforts to practise economy in using energy and cut down waste of any form so as to slow down the present drain on our limited resources.
But conservation alone is not all the answer. The best way to solve the energy problem is, I think, to develop new sources of energy. It is obvious that, even if we save much energy by using it carefully, our natural resources, however abundant, will run out ultimately. And when they are unexplored areas seems to be the only way out of our predicament.