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Cloze 18  When I was a young child, my parents often told me that a positive heart brought a man everything. I didn’t understand and wondered why (1)______ has such a big influence on a person. And now, although I’m just a middle school student, I’d like to (2)______ my own opinions on this saying.
  Once I read a sentence— “To make this world a (3)______ place to live in, rather than the whole world, you’d better change your (4)______” It made me lost in thought. There are so many things around us that go (5)______ our will. We can’t force life to follow our wishes. The earth won’t (6)______ turning whether we accept it or not.
  What we can do is just to make ourselves suit the world. I think we should learn to (7)______ welcome whatever life gives us, the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to get (8)______ from it.
  I have tried to catch every pleasant thing in my life, but I (9)______ catch most of the pleasant moments, such as being hugged by mother when in fear, being (10)______ by the teacher when in trouble, being helped by a stranger when (11)______ . I realize that I don’t just live alone and that there are others around me I should (12)______. They all pay attention to my growing up, and are proud of my achievements (13)______ it is just a little progress. It is their care and love that (14)______ remind me I live in a warm and happy world.
  Different people may have different (15)______ towards life, but there is one rule that should be followed and that is to make the world better.

2022-06-01 23:02

1.A  it指代上文提到的a positive heart。
2.C  作者想说明自己对这句话的观点。show说明。hold保持,拥有。make使得,制造。故选C项。
3.A  本文开篇提出,人要有积极的心态。nice美好的。dull阴暗的,无趣的。rich富有的。故选A项。
4.B  本文一直强调“a positive heart”的重要性。所以此处应该选择B项。
5.C  根据下文“我们不能强求生活符合我们的意愿。”所以此处表示“我们周围有那么多违背我们意愿的事情”可知选C项。
6.A  stop doing停止做某事。“无论我们接不接受,地球都不会停止转动”可知选A项。
7.C  句意:我想我们都应该学会热情地欢迎生活给予我们的…。warmly热情地。casually随便地。politely有礼貌地。故选C项。
8.C  根据下一段第一句话提到“I have tried to catch every pleasant thing in my life”,由此可知此处应该选择C项。friend ship友谊;success成功;pleasure快乐。
9.B  根据后面的例子可知,此处表示“我已经尽力去抓生活中的每一件快乐的事情了,但大部分快乐的时刻我还是不能抓住”。won’t将不;can’t不能;needn’t没有必要。故选B项。
10.C  由后面“当我在困境中的时候”可知应该是“老师鼓励我”。invite邀请。train训练。cheer鼓励,鼓舞。故选C项。
11.B  in line成一直线。in danger处于危险中。in agreement一致。由后文being helped可知是“处于危险中”。故选B项。
12.A  句意:我意识到我不是独自生活。我周围还有其他人需要我关心。think of考虑到,关心。hear of听说。dream of梦见。故选A项。
13.C  as for至于,说到。now that既然,由于。even though即使,尽管。此处前后表示转折,所以选择C项。
14.B 句意:他们的关心和爱经常让我想起我生活在一个温暖快乐的世界里。never从不。often经常。sometimes有时。故选B项。
15.C  对应上文“a positive heart”,这里指不同的人对待生活的态度可能不一样。plan计划。habit习惯。attitude态度。故选C项。


boost的意思是:help or encourage to increase or improve
eloquent的意思是:fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing

When a company needs to         new people, it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website.

— Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?


— Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?


Sometimes buyers only purchase some        , tangible or intangible.

You can have eggs      or hard-boiled.

As a rule, the buyer is responsible for        a ship or booking the shipping space.

Goods are carried by several        of transport--on road or rail, by sea or air.

— Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing?



—  I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it. 

      people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not      they enjoy a better life.

Every child is unique. Don’t        him or her to others.

— May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1?

—                      .

Actually, buyers are the group of people          want to buy certain goods or services.

Prices may change quickly if supply or demand         .

—I think we can use two or more kinds of media together in an advertising campaign. 


— I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not.



