首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Damage stability is 的答案
If the cause of a sudden severe list or trim is negative initial stability,counter flooding into empty tanks may().
The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().
Your vessel is damaged and is listing to port. The rolling period is short. There is sufficient freeboard so that deck edge submersion is not a problem. What corrective action should be taken FIRST in regard to the vessel’s stability?().
The important initial stability parameter,GM,is the().
In snall angle stability, when external forces exist , the buoyant force is assumed to act vertically upwards through the center of buoyancy and through the().
In small-angle stability,when external forces exist,the buoyant force is assumed to act vertically upwards through the center of buoyancy and through the().
What is the stability term for the distance from the center of gravity (G) to the Metacenter (M),when small-angle stability applies? ()
() is not the information necessary for the master to obtain guidance as to the stability of the ship.
What will NOT decrease the stability of a vessel?()
The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the().
The effect of free surface on initial stability depends upon().
()water is the water in the hold to keep the ship’s stability.
According to the text, family stability depends on ________.( )
Which of the following will increase the positive stability of your vessel?().
The trim and stability booklet must be approved by the().
A load line is assigned to a ship to insure adequate stability and().
Your vessel is damaged with no list,but down by the stern. There is progressive flooding and trim by the stern is increasing. What is the effect on transverse stability after the deck edge at the stern is submerged?()
劳斯判据 (Routh stability criterion)
Stability is determined by the relationship of the center of gravity and the().
Stability is determined principally by the location of the center of gravity and the().
