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Ullage measurements are taken from the top of the liquid to().

2022-06-23 23:16
A、the base of the expansion trunk
B、the base of the ullage port
C、a line scribed within the ullage port
D、an above-deck datum,usually the top of the ullage hole



Many students here are second- or third-generation ______ from China.
If separating effect is not good, which measure should be taken ()
19.It is necessary that measures _____ taken right now.(3分)
22. Many students here are second- or third-generation ______ from China.
“To be or not to be----that is the question ” is taken from_______.
“To err, is human, to forgive, divine” and “ A little learning is a dangerous thing.” are taken from the poems written by ()
( )The pictures of the moon taken from the spacecraft are _______ than those taken from the earth.
“To be, or not to be - that is the question;/Whether’ tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/Or to take arms against a sea of troubles ,/And by opposing end then?” These lines are taken from ______.
某工程采购国产特种钢材10t,出厂价为5000元/t,材料运输费50元/t,运输损耗率2%,采购及保管费率为8%,则特种钢材的基价为( )元/t。
Those two stanzas are taken from-()by ()
The above stanzas are taken from ()
These two stanzas are taken from()written by()
Masters are()solely responsible for all damages or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigating or handling of their vessels by day or by night.
● Data items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the (72) .(72)
Molded depth is measured from the().
