Practice 1 France today is no superpower, but French influence in some spheres is significant. Nothing has cemented French influence in the world like the decision made by the victorious World War II powers in 1945 to include France as one of the five permanent, veto-wielding members of the Security Council. Until the end of the Cold War, France rarely found itself in disagreement with Britain or the U.S. on major issues. But the U. N. veto today takes on larger significance as France struggles to decide whether it wants to lead the European Union in defiance of American power or in partnership with it. As America’s great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations, the question of a “grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq, has been raised. Administration officials hint that. perhaps,just perhaps,the French President wm use the occasion of France's rescue as an opportunity to square the accounts—to issue a blanket endorsement of America 78 plan for Iraq’s future and throw its support behind the transfer of power looming at the end of the month. France certainly wants the United States-to be successful in Iraq at this point. But France seems unlikely to see D-Day as an opportunity to make good on a 60-year-old debt. Beyond nice speeches and some truly fine cuisine, don't expect France to liberate America from Iraq.