首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Do you want to chang的答案
Why do you look so ____ ? You never smile or look cheerful.
If you do not want to answer this question, “Maria, do you know how to operate this machine?”, which technique you prefer to take?
Do you like an apple or a banana?()
Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card.
Do you have relatives or friend there?
5.Do you want to fly first or economy class? 回答
If you had to ______ between staying here alone or going with me, what would you do?
– Do you accept credit card or check? –
Which do you like , Jeans or cheongsam
(单选、25分) Do you want to change this lamp for__________or do you want your money back
8If you had to ______ between staying here alone or going with me, what would you do(5分)
:Mr Baker, some students want to see you ______ they wait here or outside

Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill?这句话意思是()。

Mr. Baker, a dozen students want to see you. () they wait here or outside?
英语“Where do you work?”的含义是“()”。
Do you prefer tea or coffee?()

You notice a performance change in your production Oracle 12c database. You want to know which change caused this performance difference.
Which method or feature should you use?()

5. —What do you want to do this Sunday?—I want to ________ a comedy.
9. —Do you want tea or coffee?—I really don-t mind_________ .
