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If the resistance of a circuit is cut in half and the applied voltage is kept constant, the current flow will be ().

2022-07-12 02:44
D、cut in half



Two boards are being cut for a construction project. If the total length of the boards is 100 inches and the shorter board is 5 inches less than half the length of the longer board, what is the length of the shorter board?
It will be a relief over the death of a friend or a relative if the friend or relative dies from ______.
Sequential circuit is a common logic device whose output values, at a given instant, depend upon its input values and the internal state at that instant, and whose internal state depends upon the(66)preceding input values and the preceding internal state. A sequential circuit can assume a finite number of internal states and may therefore be regarded, from an abstract(67), as a finite(68).Combinational circuit is another logic device whose output values, at any given instant, depend upon the input values at that instant. A combinational circuit is a(69)of a sequential circuit whose internal state is not taken(70).
If the resistance of a circuit is cut in half and the applied voltage is kept constant, the current flow will be ().
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to ()the engine.
The volume of a cube is V. If the sides of the cube are cut it half, the volume of the resulting solid is ______.
If the fourth root of the square of a number is 2, then what is the number?
The mode of control employed by an alarm circuit is a ()
If 5/8 of a number is 20, what is 1/8 of the number?
●A (68) is a feature of the system or adescription of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose.
Which of the following statements concerning a simple parallel resistance circuit is correct?()
Which of the following statements is true concerning simple parallel resistance circuits?()
If the cause of a sudden severe list or trim is negative initial stability,counter flooding into empty tanks may().
If the goods is damaged or lost in the process of logistics, the shipper can()to the carrier.
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to ()the engine.
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to_______the engine
The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of ().
A circuit that has one wire in contact with the hull of the ship is a()
The unit of electrical resistance is the ()
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
If the redelivery of a vessel is delayed by causes (),hire is payable at the charter rate until redelivery even though the market rate may have gone up or down.
When the voltage remains constant and the resistance is increased in a series circuit, the flow of current ()
Utterance is based on ();it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.
If the square root of t is a real number, is the square root of t positive?
A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is that the().
In data communication, data link is those parts of two data terminal equipments that are controlled by a protocol along with the(71) data circuit, which together enable data(72). So-called protocol means, in short, a set of rules that determines the behavior. of functional units in achieving communication.Data circuit, however, consists of a pair of(73) transmission channels that provides a means of two-way data transmission. Between data switching exchanges, the data circuit may or may not include data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), depending on the type of(74) used at the data switching exchange. Between a data station and a data switching exchange or data concentrator, the data circuit includes the DCE at the data station end, and may include equipment(75) to a DCE at the data switching exchange or dam concentrator location.
The purpose of a main switchboard circuit breakers reverse-power trip is to ().
The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always ().
Capacitance is the property of an electric circuit opposing a change in the ()
The centre of lateral resistance is().
______ is the address of a variable or a variable in which the address of another variable is stored.
______is the address of.a variable or a variable in which the address of another variable is stored.
