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●Adding 5 people to a 4 person team increases the communication channels by a factor of (75).

2022-11-03 21:06
A、(75) 3 times
B、4 times
C、5 times
D、6 times



A person referring to the stern sheets of a lifeboat is speaking of().
● Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.
If a mosquito were to bite a person. and that person were later to develop malaria and die of the disease, it is most likely that the person was infected with which of the following?
A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a vessel should approach the person().
A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a vessel ahould approach the person().
A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person().
The“person in the phrase ”to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management” refers to ().
The pSeries technical specialist has been invited to a briefing on the latest POWER technology as a representative of their team.  What should the specialist offer to do upon return from class in order to best prepare the rest of the team for the introduction of the new technology?()
In the case of an injury causing a person to be incapacitated,the Master or person in charge of a mobile offshore drilling unit must submit a report to the().
Passage 2  (1) A one-month survey results indicate that smoking, alcohol and marijuana use increase among residents of Manhattan during the five to eight weeks after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center which took place on September 11, 2001. Almost one-third of the nearly 1000 persons interviewed reported an increased use of alcohol, marijuana, or cigarettes following the September 11 attacks. About one-fourth of the respondents said they were drinking more alcohol in the weeks after September 11; about one tenth reported an increase in smoking, and 3.2% said they had increased their use of marijuana.  (2) The investigators found survey participants by randomly dialing New York City phone numbers and screened potential respondents for Manhattan residents living in areas close to the World Trade Center. Interviews were conducted with 988 individuals between October 16 and November 15, 2001. Participants were asked about their cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and marijuana use habits before and after September 11. During the week prior to September 11, 2001, 22.6% of the participants reported smoking cigarettes, 59.1% drinking alcohol, and 4.4% using marijuana. After September 11, 23.4% reported smoking cigarettes, 4.4% drinking alcohol, and 5.7% smoking marijuana. Among those who smoked, almost 10% reported smoking at least an extra pack of cigarettes a week and among those who drank alcohol, more than 20% reported imbibing at least one extra drink a day.  The researchers found that people who reported an increase in substance abuse were more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and from depression (3) people who reported an increase in cigarette smoking or marijuana use were also more likely to have both PTSD and depression, while those people who reported an increase in alcohol use were more likely to have depression only. (4) Persons who were living closer to the World Trade Center were more likely to increase their cigarette smoking, but other factors such as being displaced from one’s home, losing possessions during the attacks, or being involved in the rescue efforts were not consistently associated with increased substance use. Symptoms of panic attack were associated with an increase in the use of all substances.  Increase in substance abuse did not differ significantly between men and women or among racial or ethnic groups. (5) Demographic factors such as age, marital status, and income seemed tip play a more critical role in determining if the events of September 11 led to an increase in substance use.
Practice 8  ● You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to cancel your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.  ● Write a memo to your project team:  ● informing them of the cancellation and giving the reason;  ● stating a new date and time for the meeting;  ● requesting suggestions for the agenda.  ● Write 40—50 words.
●Adding 5 people to a 4 person team increases the communication channels by a factor of (75).
Passage Three
There’s a professor at the University of Toronto in Canada who has come up with a term to describe the way a lot of North American interact these days. And now a big research study confirms it. Professor Barry Wellman’s term is “networked individualism”. It’s not the easiest concept to grasp. In fact, the words seem to contradict each other. How can we be individualistic and networked at the same time? You need other people for network. Here’s what he means. Until the internet and e-mail came along, our social network involved flesh-and-blood relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Some of the interaction was by phone, but it was still voice to voice, person to person in real life. But the latest study confirms that for a lot of people, electronic interaction through the computer has replaced a great deal of social activities and person-to-person interaction. Some people worry that the Internet is turning us into isolated people who shut out other people in favor of a false world on computer screens To the contrary, the study discovered that the Internet connects us with more real people than expected- helpful people who can give advice on careers, medical problems, raising children, and choosing a school or college. About 60 million Americans told the researchers that the Internet plays an important or crucial role in helping them deal with major life decisions. So we network individuals are pretty tricky: we’re keeping more to ourselves, while at the same time reaching out to more people, all with just the click of a computer mouse!{TS}The term “networked individualism” is used to refer to ________.

Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of sofiware development with (1) of simplicity,communication, feedback and cuurage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to success together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (2) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly. An XP project needs a (3) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (4) to build the system that's needed, Customers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective way to (5) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.


Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of sofiware development with (1) of simplicity,communication, feedback and cuurage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to success together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (2) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly. An XP project needs a (3) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (4) to build the system that's needed, Customers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective way to (5) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.


Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of sofiware development with (1) of simplicity,communication, feedback and cuurage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to success together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (2) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly. An XP project needs a (3) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (4) to build the system that's needed, Customers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective way to (5) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.


Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of sofiware development with (1) of simplicity,communication, feedback and cuurage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to success together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (2) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly. An XP project needs a (3) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (4) to build the system that's needed, Customers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective way to (5) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.


Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of sofiware development with (1) of simplicity,communication, feedback and cuurage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to success together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (2) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly. An XP project needs a (3) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers, managers, are all working (4) to build the system that's needed, Customers - those who have software that needs to be developed - will learn simple, effective way to (5) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.

Without increasing investment in education, it will be increasingly difficult for low-income people to ________ the middle class
111The pandemic is a __ to the people all over the world
Caller: hello! I want to make a person-to-person call to toronto, Canada the number is 932-0806Operator: ______
A markup language is a way of adding information to your(72) that tells the device receiving the content what to do with it. The best known markup language is Hypertext Markup Language。
In the () phase team members begin to work together and adjust their work habits and behaviors to support the team. The team learns to trust each other
In the() phase team members begin to work together and adjust their work habits and behaviors to support the team. The team learns to trust each other
Adding 5 people to a 4 person team increases the communication channels by a factor of ( )
If you are given the job of adding hydraulic fluid to a mooring winch, and are not certain as to the type of fluid to use, you should ().
Increasing the speed of a centrifugal pump will result in an increase in its capacity in its capacityAnother means of increasing the capacity pump is to increase the()
The strength of a deck will be increased by adding().
The capacity of a centrifugal pump can be increased by the installation of a larger diameter impeller Another means of increasing the pump capacity is to ().
In a survey of 63 people, 23 people subscribed to magazine A, 21 people subscribed to magazine B, and 17 subscribed to magazine C. For any two of the magazines, 4 people subscribed to both magazines but not to the third magazine. If 18 people in the survey did not subscribe to any of the three magazines, how many people subscribed to all three magazines?
According to the author, a good team leader ______
In one project of software engineering, the issue that adding more people will not lead to corresponding rise of productivity.
