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The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.

2023-03-05 19:41



Skimming is one of the major types of selective reading. It differs from normal reading,_________ not all of the material is read.
A major party nominee has the ______advantage of support from the party faithful.
The book called Harry Potter mustn’t _____ from the library.
I borrowed a book from Linda.→ Linda ____ a book.
30. Stop _________ a noise in the library. The students are reading.books.
)29. Before reading their books,the old people in the restaurant _______ .
—Would you mind if I read the book here? —________.
________ is quite natural,a beginner can't read the books written in English very quickly.
When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner _____.
Passage 1  ● Read the memo and application letter below  ● Complete the form on the following page.  ● Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 41-45 on your book.  Memo  To: Lucy  From: David  Date: June 5, 20071  Message:  I received this letter three days ago and thought the applicant might be suitable for the position we had advertised. Please fill in the Candidate Information Form and pass it on to the Personnel Manager.  4909 Gen.Bradley NE  Albuquerque, NM87111  June 2, 2007Dear Sir,  I am writing to apply for the position of programming advertised in yesterday’s daily news.  I believe I am just the right person for the post you advertised. As a college senior, I will graduate from Bruners University at the end of May with a degree in computer programming and business communication. I feel that my education and summer activities, developing skill programs for the ABC company will qualify me in the future for a position in computer.  I look forward to receiving a reply from you soon.Yours sincerely,Jenny Moses  Candidate Information Form  First Name:      (41)______  Surname:       (42)______  Date:         (43)______  Post Code:      (44)______  Major:        (45)______
Reading story-books is my hobby.→ I like reading story-books____.
The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.
Reading this book, we can ____ the main character.

 I have never read a book that is ______ than Harry Potter. 

(单项选择)—Would you mind if I read the book here? —________.
This book is written from the _______of the French.
The book was different______all the other books I’ve ever read.
At the beginning of this semester, our history professor _____ a list of books for us to read.
(单项选择)—Would you mind if I read the book here? —________.
He is reading a note _________ the present from his grandfather with passion
The _____problem of bringing a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
An undergraduate student has to earn a certain number of______in order to receive a degree at the end of four years study.
43[单选题,1.3分] New books were displayed in a ______ position on tables at the front of the shop.
A library has____ of books and has recently bought another four____.
The book fair has received a positive()from readers. 选项
Since the reform, the country’s economy has been fairly _______.
The company commander has ____ order from the General Staff that his company would move to the front(receive)
Apart from the religious influence, the Authorized Version has had a great influence on English ___ and ____
Just tell Mike __________ has a good knowledge of physics and history is qualified for the position
3-I think I shall read a book instead --_____
2The winners will be selected at _____from the correct answers received
May I take this book out of the reading room?No,you_______ . You read it in here.
