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What does a SART signal sound or look like?()

2021-07-19 06:16
A、It transmits "SOS" and the vessel's name and position in slow speed Morse Code
B、It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the innermost dot indicating the SART's position
C、It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the outermost dot indicating the SART's position
D、None of the above



标签: 安全通信
—What does your English teacher look like? — She likes singing.
— What does he look like? — He looks sad.
"— What does he look like? — He looks sad."
"—What does your English teacher look like? — She likes singing."

— According to a report of what holidays in the future might look like, a trip to the Moon or a stay in space will be the most mouthwatering destination for 2024 holidaymakers.

—                      , especially for thrill-seeking travelers like me.

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What does a SART signal sound or look like?()
A: What doe he()? B: He is tall and good-looking
A: What does he()? B: He is tall and good-looking
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- What does your English teacher look like - _________________.
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- What does the sign over there read - “No person ________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area”
阅读下面的句子并选择正确的汉语翻译。 目:1 Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy回答 2 Instead of sending an email to your co-worker, walk to her desk or just take the stairs today, even though youre tired回答 3 Moreover, these people may be friends or strangers — people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you回答 4 People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere — and of what sounds rude or unfriendly!回答 选项:
What would you like to have, meat or fish?()
--What would you like, tea or coffee? --()
If you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you.()
The Urgency Signal()indicates that the station calling has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a ship or aircraft,or of some person on board or within sight.
