首页/ 题库 / [单选题]— It is cold today. 的答案

— It is cold today. What would you like to do this afternoon?
— _________

2021-08-04 17:56
A、I don't think so.
B、Yes, it's cold. But spring is coming.
C、I need my coat, please.
D、Yes, it's too cold, so I don't feel like going out today.



标签: 大学英语 英语

Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost.
Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.
So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping?
If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long ()
Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular ()
Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates.

Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday?()
Assuming you build networks to exact specifications, what is the recommended maximum length a 10BaseT cable can be before it has to be segmented or repeated?()
Assuming you build networks to exact specifications, what is the recommended maximum length a 10BaseT cable can be before it has to be segmented or repeated?
What is the default value for the ENABLED attribute of a job or program when it is created? ()
—It’s cold today. You’d better _________ your sweater.
What day is it today?()
---Would you like tea or coffee?
---___ , thanks.( )
I think you should end it ______ it is too late, or you will be sorry for it.
It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you graduate from or what you are.
If you do not know the subject, you will not understand what is said or written, even if English is your mother () what is said or written.
What is the most important when it comes to a good job: money, colleagues, boss or the working environment?
There is no ______ about what education should be, what it is for, either in schools or in other place.
"There is no ______ about what education should be, what it is for, either in schools or in other place."

It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.

— It is cold today. What would you like to do this afternoon?
— _________
—Which would you like, Coke or tea?
—Which would you like, tea or milk?
What size pizza would you like, small or medium?
How would you like your steak, medium or well-done?
A: What day is it today? B: December 24.
If you had to ______ between staying here alone or going with me, what would you do?
Would you like tea or coffee?___ , thanks.
-What day is it today? -_______. ( )
8If you had to ______ between staying here alone or going with me, what would you do(5分)
What would you like to have, meat or fish?()
--What would you like, tea or coffee? --()
At sea,on what occasion would you display two red lights at night or two black balls during the day?().
If a person gets something in his or her eye and you see that it is not embedded,you can ().

Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost.
Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.
So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping?
If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long ()
Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular ()
Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates.


Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost.
Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.
So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping?
If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long ()
Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular ()
Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates.


Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The ()you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually ()you money or can add ()the cost.
Take the ()example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might ()that you are making the ()buy if you choose one ()look you like and which is also the cheapest ()price. But when you get it home you may find that it ()twice as long as a more expensive ()to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well ()your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.
So what principles should you ()when you go out shopping?
If you ()your home, your car or any valuable ()in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long ()
Before you buy a new (),talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular ()
Before you buy an expensive (),or a service, do check the price and ()is on offer. If possible, choose ()three items or three estimates.

