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2021-09-01 16:33



标签: 中药资格证


第 80 题 雄黄的使用注意是(  )
Passage 2  Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an  1 should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually,  2  , most people make several job choices during their working lives,  3   because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their position. The “one perfect job” does not  4  . Young people should  5   enters into a broad flexible training program that will  6   them for a field of work rather than for a single  7 .  Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans  8  benefit of help from an  9   vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing  10   about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss basis. Some  11   from job to job. Others  12   to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.  One common mistake is choosing an occupation for  13   real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students-or their parents for them-choose the professional field,  14   both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal  15  . The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is no good  16   for choosing it as life’s work.  17  , these occupations are not always well-paid, since a large  18   of jobs are in mechanical and manual work. The  19   of young people should give serious  20   to these fields.1. A. identification  B. entertainment  C. accommodation  D. occupation2. A. however     B. thus       C. though      D. thereby3. A. entirely     B. mainly      C. partly      D. possibly4. A. fade       B. vanish      C. survive     D. exist5. A. since      B. therefore    C. furthermore   D. for6. A. make       B. fit       C. take       D. leave7. A. job       B. way       C. means      D. company8. A. with       B. for       C. without     D. to9. A. competent    B. competitive   C. aggressive    D. effective10. A. little     B. few       C. much       D. more11. A. turn      B. drift      C. leave      D. float12. A. apply      B. appeal      C. stick      D. turn13. A. our       B. its       C. your       D. their14. A. concerning   B. following    C. considering   D. disregarding15. A. preferences   B. requirements   C. tendencies    D. ambitions16. A. resource    B. background    C. reason      D. basis17. A. So       B. Nevertheless   C. But       D. Moreover18. A. rate      B. thickness    C. proportion    D. density19. A. majority    B. minimum     C. minority     D. multitude20. A. proposal    B. suggestion    C. consideration  D. appraisal
Passage 4  If you are writing or studying, it (Example: 0 ) very much difference where the light comes from. People who use books and pens every day  1 to be especially careful about the direction from which the light shines on their work.  A house gets it’s light  2 from daylight through windows  3 is very good to use or from the lamps, but no matter what kind of light it is, the direction it slants(倾斜) towards our books or our work is a matter of great  4 to the eyes.  Take a book, stand with your back toward the window, and try to read. Your shadow falls across the page and makes it bad for your eyes as if you were in a  5 room.  Now turn  6 and face the window. The page is the shadow again, while the bright light is in your  7 . Try standing with your right side towards the window. This is very good for reading,  8 if you were writing, the shadow would  9 the page and trouble you a little.  There is just one other way: stand with your  10 side to the window. Now everything is perfect for reading and for writing, too.例:0. A. make       B. made       C. makes【答案】C1. A. want       B. have       C. know2. A. either      B. neither     C. none3. A. what       B. who       C. which4. A. sorry       B. illness     C. importance5. A. dark       B. bright      C. small6. A. over       B. around      C. off7. A. eyes       B. face       C. back8. A. but        B. or        C. so9. A. fall down     B. fall into    C. fall across10. A. right       B. left      C. face
以下关于行政诉讼原告资格的表述中,哪些选项是正确的?( ) A.原告资格是充当行政诉讼原告所应具备的条件 B.有原告资格的人一定而且也只能是原告 C.原告资格要求起诉人必须具备民事主体资格,具有完全的民事权利能力 D.原告资格要求起诉人必须是其主张权益的享有主体,我国行政诉讼不存在他人诉讼和公益诉讼 E.原告资格要求起诉人所受具体行政行为的侵害是已经发生的损害