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is Britain’s top pay television provider.

2021-09-02 13:12



The president (or head) of the House of Lords in Britain is ()
If there is a strike or lock-out affecting the cargo on or after vessel’s arrival at port of discharge and the same has not been settled within 48 hours,Receivers shall have the option of keeping vessel waiting until such strike or lock-out is at an end against paying half demurrage after expiration of the time prescribed for discharging or ordering the vessel to a substituting port.The “same” refers to().
If the carrier is responsible for the damage or loss of the cargo,()will have to pay to the insurance company.
The purpose for the bag or box on top of some survival craft is to().
Every deliberate act of wrongdoing by the master or any of the crew against the ship or cargo,without the authorization or privity of the Shipowner or his agent,is().
(), or drum is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore.
The () is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes.
It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates()weight or measurement,ship’s option.
The part of a windlass which physically engages the chain during hauling or paying out is the().
The third officer’s duty is to()when vessel is commanded under the pilot or captain.
() is the place to store the goods imported or in transit, without paying under custom’s supervision
Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors from liquids,gases,or solids is known as().
A candidate’s personality is more important than his or her skills.
_____ed ucation is the instruction that occurs when the instructor and studen t s are separated by distance or time,or both.
 Valentine’s Day (February 14th) is the day()sweethearts exchange gifts or go out to dinner.    
Valentine’s Day (February 14th) is the day()sweethearts exchange gifts or go out to dinner.
is Britain’s top pay television provider.
For further information, you can call at the bank’s customer service hotline 12345 to extension 3124, or pay a visit to wwwbocusacom回答
() is meant to provide facility for customer’s need or inquiry and arrange it.
()is the place to store the goods in ported or in transit without paying duty under custom’s supervision .
It is usually decided by the()terms whether the shipper or the consignee pays for the cargo insurance.
Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapor from liquids,gases, or solids is known as().
If the carrier is responsible for the damage or loss of the cargo,()will have to pay to the insurance company.
() is meant to provide facility for customer s need or inquiry and arrange it.
When rigging a bosun’s chair,a tail block or lizard is used to().
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
The purpose for the bag or box on top of some survival craft is to().
During loading or discharging,where the delay is due to the Shipowner’s fault,or that of his servants or agents acting within their authority,the time actually delayed is to be()in calculating lay days.
Five or more short blasts on a vessel’s whistle indicates that she is().
Five or more short blasts on a vessel’s whistle indicates that she is().
() unit is mounted so as to raise and lower the cable from the spurling pipe, which is at the top and center of the chain or cable locker.
