首页/ 题库 / [多选题]Our English teacher 的答案
You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.

—Let’s go and see our teacher on Teachers’ Day.

— _________________________________

My English homework______by my English teacher.
If we carry out our plan with _____________, we will surely achieve our goal sooner or later.
Our success _______ whether everyone works hard or not.( )
We’d better hurry. Our teacher ________ us.( )
My English homework______by my English teacher.
Our English teacher insisted that we spend more time on ______________reading.
Parents, teachers in schools, work associates and communicators in or using the mass media are all capable of ______our potential interests.
- What does your English teacher look like - _________________.
I _____ that most people who wanted to buy our newspaper were either moving or getting married.( )
Social apps like QQ or WeChat have become our ________ for staying connected with friends.
Please let us have $300 by September 30, 2004 or we shall_________ the case to our lawyer. 选项
The young lady coming over to us _______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
Fill in the blanks with appropriate coordinator or subordinator: It was raining again, __________is very bad for our crops
Our teacher gave me ______
The teacher and writer______ coming to our school
Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ________
Our English teacher ____ our buying an English-Chinese dictionary
_______ She’s our history teacher 她是谁?她是我们的历史老师。
