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__________ is for的答案


–Are you settling in well here in this city?

– _________________

– What is so special about this Social Work Center?

– _________________

—What is your major? 


—Albert, this is Jim.     

—______________ Jim?

 He is worth ____________.

Everything in it ___________ that Jacob is a Christian.

It's bad _____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.

Is that Jim speaking?


-Wow! This is a marvelous room! You must spend a lot of time and energy in it.

__________ is forbidden in public places. 

— Wow, this place is amazing.

— ________________

— I wish you success in your career.


It's ___________ to point to or talk about strangers in public.

— ______________________________

— No, sorry, I didn't know the rule about punching in.

Proper controls that should ________________ developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place.

There is little water in the cup, _________? 

— Dad, this is my roommate, Andrea.

— _________________

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

---- Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?

---- ___________________________

— We would like to place an order for some of your C&Z desk units.

— __________________

