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— Thank you for y的答案

—Thank you for your help. — Don’t thank me.
"—Thank you for your help. — Don’t thank me."

2.—Thank you ever so much for the Apple Watchyou sent me.

— ________________

–Thank you for sharing this with me.

– _________________

- Can we _________ you anything? Coffee? Whiskey? 

-No,thank you.

–Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night?

– _________________

 I hope you are making ________ for continuous education in your life. 

These tips may help you avoid ________ bad employees for your company.

— Thank you very much for answering our questions. It really helps our market research a lot. 

— ________________

I’ll get your RMB for you while you’re       these forms.

— I'd like to invite you for dinner on Saturday.


You need to _____ those questionnaire papers for your company.

— Thank you for your delicious dinner. 

— ___________________. 

— Don't hesitate to click on our website when you need us.

—                      . Thank you.

—  Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it.

—  _______ Thank you all the same.

—I’d like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients.


– Thanks for inviting us to dinner.______ – Thank you! It’s so good that you like them.
A: Thank you for your invitation. B: ______.
3-Thank you for your invitation --_____
Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it.()you enjoyed it.
