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–Thank you for sh的答案


2.—Thank you ever so much for the Apple Watchyou sent me.

— ________________

–Thank you for sharing this with me.

– _________________

- Can we _________ you anything? Coffee? Whiskey? 

-No,thank you.

— Hi, Tom, how's everything with you?

— ________, and how are you?

You will get your cosmetic surgery on your nose. Please tell me if you like this medical plan _____.

— Would you mind filling the questionnaire for me?

— ________________

— Thank you very much for answering our questions. It really helps our market research a lot. 

— ________________

—You blame me for that, don't you?
—No, _________________.

— Excuse me, could you tell me the time?

— _________

This time tomorrow you _________ in the court for the trademark case. 

— Would you mind helping me for a minute, Barbara?

— _________________What do you want me to do?

—Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight?
— __________ .

— Do you think you are the suitable person for this position?
— ___________ .

— Thank you for your delicious dinner. 

— ___________________. 

For a limited company, this will include the money ______ issuing shares, and is known as the share capital.

— ___________ ?
— I wonder if you could practice interviewing with me in advance.

 —  Could you please connect me with the HR Department?

 —  _______

—  Could you give me your phone number?

—  _______

—  Could you help me with this crossword puzzle, please?


— What are you going to do this weekend?

— ___________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my parents.

